We are keen to support young people who are interested in a career working with animals and about teaching children how to be responsible pet owners.
Vet, and Greenbay owner, John recently visited Reception (ages 4-5) at Roselands Primary School in Paignton as part of their ‘People who help us’ theme. He chatted to the children about how to look after pets and about what a vet does. The PDSA have a great kids section on their website if you know any budding animal lovers.
John’s wife, Laura, visited Churston Ferrers Grammar School earlier this month to talk to an enthusiastic group of students who are interested in becoming veterinary surgeons or veterinary nurses. She covered career options, entrance requirements, work experience and the university application process.
Useful Resources for those interested in a veterinary career:
Veterinary Schools Council – has links to all the UK vet school websites
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Veterinary Careers
EdVet – a student run site with great sections on work experience, university interviews, and pre vet-school events for students interested in becoming a vet
The British Veterinary Nursing Association
We are pleased to offer work experience placements at our Torquay vets surgery for students with a genuine interest in becoming veterinary surgeons or veterinary nurses. We do, however, get booked up really far in advance. Please submit any applications to info@greenbayvets.co.uk or by post/in person.